A Foundation Built on a Legacy
Work hard. Play hard. Love hard.
Brad Echols was 36 years old in April 2013 when he lost his short battle with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, leaving behind a wife and two small children. Not only was he a devoted husband and loving father, Brad was also a beloved son, admirable brother, and loyal friend. He just about always had a smile on his face and was the life of the party. He was truly one of a kind. It has been said that his name could almost be an adjective in the dictionary because of the many unique and profound characteristics he displayed while living on this earth. He worked hard. He played hard. But most of all, he loved hard.
The saying “it takes a village” was proven true during Brad’s illness and continues to this day. As his story spread, so did the outpouring of love. Family members, friends, church congregations, coworkers and even complete strangers reached out to the Echols family and became the hands and feet of Christ during a time when Brad and his family were faced with some of the darkest days of their lives.
It is because of the love shown to Brad and his family during their storm that the Brad Echols Family Foundation was established. We want other families in the Birmingham area who are experiencing their own cancer storm to know that they are not alone. The goal of the foundation is to be a light in the darkness by sharing the love that was so generously shown to the Echols family. It is also our hope that our work will honor the life of Bradley Wade Echols and allow his legacy to live on.
Led by the example Brad set, we will work hard, play hard, but most of all love hard.